奧地利JAKO波登管壓力表/雙金屬溫度計/溫度表 :JAKO一直的壓力和溫度計量領域的**生產商之一,60歲及儀器儀表制造商,在奧地利和國外客戶信賴的合作伙伴(目前,我們的產品和服務,提供超過30個國家)。我們的生產仍然是基于今天在維也納奧地利制造和測量設備。
Fig. 1 Compact pressure gauges
for stand-alone process connectionNS 40; NS 50; NS 63
based on EN 837-1
Fig. 101 Compact pressure gauges
with 3-hole front flange for easy flush mountingNS 40; NS 50; NS 63
based on EN 837-1
Fig. 102 Compact pressure gauges
with rectangular front ring and bracket attachment on the back for flush mountingNS 40; NS 50; NS 63
based on EN 837-1
All-purpose pressure gauges
JAKO all-purpose pressure gauges are cost-effective solutions for a wide range of applications in the sanitary, heating and venitlation engineering as well as in the apparatus and equipment engineering sectors.
Fig. 2 All-purpose pressure gauges
for stand-alone process connectionNS 80; NS 100; NS 160
based on EN 837-1
Fig. 201 All-purpose pressure gauges
with 3-hole front flange for easy flush mountingNS 80; NS 100
based on EN 837-1
Fig. 203 All-purpose pressure gauges
with attachment rim on the back for attachment and surface mountingNS 80; NS 100
based on EN 837-1
Heating pressure gauges
JAKO heating pressure gauges are used for pressure and content monitoring in closed loop heating systems. A green reading range (green banner) on the dial indicates the operating pressure, a red mark the maximum admissible valueand a set value pointer that can be adjusted from the outside shows the required operating pressure.
Fig. 5 Heating pressure gauges
with special scale for content measurement in closed loop heating systemsNS 63; NS 80
based on EN 837-1
JAKO hydrometers indicate the measured pressure on a twin scale in bar and in mWs.
Fig. 6 Hydrometers
with twin scale for direct reading in meter water column (MWC) and in barNS 80; NS 100
based on EN 837-1
Combined pressure and temperature gauges
JAKO combined pressure and temperature gauges save space and money and are designed for the simultaneous measurement of pressure and temperature at a single point of measurement without high measurement accuracy requirements.